Historical Commemorative Coin Sales Figures: 2003 First Flight Centennial

Coins Gold Coins Silver Coins Clad
Description Sets Proof Uncirculated Proof Uncirculated Proof Uncirculated
2E1 Gold Proof 21,676 21,676
2E2 Gold Uncirculated 10,009 10,009
2E3 Silver Proof 190,240 190,240
2E4 Silver Uncirculated 53,533 53,533
2E5 Clad Proof 109,710 109,710
2E6 Clad Uncirculated 57,122 57,122
Total 442,290 21,676 10,009 190,240 53,533 109,710 57,122
31,685 243,773 166,832

Figures as of September 2004

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